October 28, 2023 October 28, 2023

Hospice Egypt celebrates World Hospice Day on October 28, 2023

On October 28, 2023, Hospice Egypt celebrated World Hospice Day with the participation of more than 120 participants from rowing clubs, and in coordination with the Egyptian Rowing Federation, 5 rowing clubs, and one sailing club. Because rowing sport is in line with Hospice Egypt's mission of "going against the flow", Hospice Egypt choose it to clarify the meaning of going against the flow which explains Hospice Egypt’s mission that focusing on serving terminally ill patients who no longer receive curative treatment and in need for hospice care unlike other health care services who limit their services to cure the disease. The aim of the annual celebration of World Hospice Day is to raise community awareness about the concept of care and the right of the terminally ill patient to receive quality care and preserve his dignity until the end. The event was uploaded to the World Hospice Alliance link https://thewhpca.org/event/choose-to-be-against-the-flow