Hospice Egypt

Stationary Hospice

The Hospice Egypt project continues to meet its mission and develop its services by creating a new service to be offered to terminally-ill patients called: stationary hospice. The stationary hospice is a place for those terminally-ill patients who have no one to take care of them. Their relatives, family or neighbors might not be able to fully support them.

The stationary hospice is set to be serving patients who are in need of a well equipped facility with a highly trained staff to serve and look after the patients' needs. In order to do so, the hospice is built according to the same international standards that have been used to build other hospice facilities in Germany. This is to ensure that the services provided are the best that our patients can receive. This stationary hospice is the first of its kind in Egypt and is located 49 KM Cairo-Ismailia Desert Road near the International Medical Center. The stationary hospice building is now established, equipped and is being prepared to receive patients.

Furthermore, at the stationary hospice the patient’s social, physical, psychological and spiritual preferences are respected. The multi-disciplinary team working there will possess the expertise and knowledge of care and companionship of terminally ill patients. The opening of this building will be a milestone and a dream realized for every terminally ill patient living in Egypt in need of a place to preserve their dignity and enhance their quality of life.

Hospice Egypt services are provided completely free of charge to the patients and their families. We invite you to share the journey with us in providing care and dignity to these marginalized forgotten segments of the Egyptian society. You can contact us through our landlines +202 – 25777150 or donate through our bank account at Alex Bank: 000007777001.

Hospice Egypt Rooms

Each room is designed to match the overall objective of providing care, comfort and preserving the dignity of terminally ill patients. The patient will find the following in every room:

  • Home-like: Rooms are not hospital like but furnished to welcome the patients with a home-like feeling.
  • Greenery: Rooms have large windows overlooking a garden and offer the patients natural stress relieving view.
  • Comfort: Rooms will contain adjustable beds and specific equipment to facilitate sitting up for eating, watching television or having a conversation.
  • Safety and privacy: The private bathrooms within the rooms are highly equipped with rails and safety measurements to allow privacy and security for the terminally-ill patients.
A View Inside The Room